
Black Friday Sale 2016 – Stuff we Make

Our long awaited Black Friday Sale is coming this Friday! From Fri. Nov. 25, until Mon. Nov. 28 take 40% off everything. Yes, everything! And you want to know the BEST part? Our free shipping over $40 deal still applies! That’s right, … Read More

Holiday Sweets

I hate to admit this, but I’m not much of a sweet tooth. I know, I know, patronize me now. But it’s true, I’m a girl of the savory world. However, when it comes to the holidays I can’t help but think … Read More

I Can’t Help but be Thankful

There is so much that I have to be thankful for this year, I don’t even know where to start. From our wedding, to our beautiful honeymoon vacation to Hawaii, to making new friends, starting our new business, realizing what … Read More