Our long awaited Black Friday Sale is coming this Friday!
From Fri. Nov. 25, until Mon. Nov. 28 take 40% off everything. Yes, everything! And you want to know the BEST part? Our free shipping over $40 deal still applies! That’s right, take 40% off by using promo code SAVE40 at checkout and you’ll get 40% off your entire order. Spend $40 in store and you get free shipping on top of that! Woot woot! 🙂
On top of that, I’ve been thinking of doing a few giveaways on our Instagram. So go follow us on Instagram now so y’all don’t miss out!
Happy shopping everyone! I know I’ll be browsing around the internet for some good deals this weekend. Just make sure you take Thursday to spend time with friends and family, be thankful for all the people in your life as we kick off that holiday season!
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