Photo by: Sarah Pflug
I’ve had this conversation with so many different people from different walks of life. Because of this I thought it would be worth mentioning.
I highly recommending working in the restaurant, retail, or customer service industries at some point in your life.
I’ve worked in a lot of industries that revolved around customer service, and as much as I hated some of those jobs, each one has taught me a lot. Whether it’s a new skill or something about myself, I’ve learned so much from working in customer service jobs.
I learned how to be more patient.
I learned to break out of my shyness. (I used to be really shy as a kid)
I learned that a simple smile can go a long way.
I learned how to sell a product without being pushy.
I learned how to multitask.
I learned that I have worth and deserve respect.
Thanks to working in industries such as food and clothing I met some really great people. A lot of my coworkers turned into friends! I’ve met some great friends thanks to working in these jobs. Friends that helped make work more tolerable and more fun!
I don’t know, maybe it’s just me but working in these industries was such a big part of my life. Yes, it wasn’t great all the time but it made such a big impact on me. When you’re on the receiving end and you’re a customer you definitely have a different perspective compared to when you don’t.
If you’re in college, between jobs, or just want something more interesting I highly recommend something revolving around customer service. I can tell you one thing, you’ll definitely get something out of it aside from just a paycheck. You’ll probably learn something about yourself that you didn’t know before.
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