I’m feeling so accomplished so far this month. Not necessarily work related, but I’ve hit some personal goals that have really improved my motivation all around. It’s been a good month! Here’s an update on my 5 goals for June:
Backyard Patio: If you follow me on IG then you know that Charlie and I finished a big backyard project and we finished it this week! OMG, this has been such a burden for us and I’m SO happy that we’ve finally finished it! Truth be told we have so much work in the back yard to still do but this was a big one for us. I’ll be posting a before and after as well as a how-to next month. This was a big one for me. I feel so accomplished. I’m excited to use our back yard, have BBQ’s, have dinner out there, even work out there! It’s slowly but surely turning into the space I’ve always dreamed it could be!
Before After -
Go to church: To be truthful church is really important to me and I’m disappointed in myself that I still haven’t gone. But, in hindsight I’ve been watching Pastor Steven Furtick’s YouTube Channel and watching Elevation Church’s sermons every week. Not to mention my daily devotionals and podcasts. But there’s just something special about physical church. I’m glad I’m still making an effort to hear the Word, but I’m yearning for my church community. There’s just something about being in church, in person.
Exercise: I’ve put together a fitness plan people! This was a big hurdle for me to overcome (more mentally than anything else). I haven’t exercised at all this year. Shame shame shame on me. We don’t have a budget for a lot of things we used to so I’ve had to cut down on our monthly expenses, our gym membership was one of them. I have my home workout planned out. I started yesterday and it felt good to get my heart pumping a bit again. Now it’s time to keep it going!
Keep plants alive: So far my plant babies are doing well! Charlie named them Romeo and Juliet. I’m trying not to obsess over them too much, I might kill them. I’m also trying not to forget I have them, I might kill them. Lol! Stay tuned on my IG to see how they’re doing.
Please don’t die, Plants! -
Be creative: I need to be better about this. I think i’m going to create a doodles stack in Procreate so get me to start playing with the app more and to let my creative juices flowing.
On the work end of things, it has been progressing nicely which is why I didn’t really make it part of my goals for this month.
After my 30 day Blogging Challenge I decided to write Monday-Friday while posting new content Monday/Wednesday/Friday every week onto my blog. Blogging has turned into something I’m very passionate about and I feel that my voice is starting to develop the more I write consistently. Ninong’s has also been steadily growing and we’re starting to get a good idea of how much grocery and supplies we need every week. Things could be better, still at a net loss and paying back loans from the renovation but we’re doing ok. We’re getting by and I’m grateful for that.
I’m also starting to settle into my productivity routine. I think I’ve found a system that works for me which I’ll be sharing soon. I still have a little bit of tweaking to do but I’ll probably be sharing my workflow/productivity tools for personal and professional use some time next month. Stay tuned for that!

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