The Importance of a Routine

I always thought of myself as a flexible person. Maybe because I’m so used to a new “adventure” every day. Working as an entrepreneur has given me the freedom to kind of dictate what my day looks like. Every day could be different or the same from the last. Ultimately it’s up to me, I mean, that’s kind of the beauty of entrepreneurship right? Making my own schedule?

Photo by: Sarah Pflug

Well, despite how fun the ambiguity of entrepreneurship may be I realized that having a routine is so important for me. A routine gives me the boundaries I need to stay productive. Knowing that I have a certain amount of time to accomplish something gives me more incentive to do it. Currently most of my work days look like this.

  • 6 am – Wake up and get ready
  • 7 am – Leave for work
  • 7:15 am – Prep for the day/Daily devotional
  • 8 am – Open restaurant
  • 12 pm – Work in office
  • 4 pm – Eat
  • 6:30 pm – Leave for home
  • 7 pm – Eat
  • 9 pm – Get ready for bed

The more I can stick to this schedule the more normal and together I feel. The farther I stray from it the more stressed and overwhelmed I tend to be.

If you haven’t put a routine together for yourself yet I highly recommend you try it. You definitely don’t need to follow my routine, but being realistic about what you can accomplish and how easy it is to stick to your schedule is really important. Being too strict or trying to cram too much in will keep you from staying dedicated to your time tables.

What do you include in your daily routine? Would love to see what your days look like!


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