I have a back ground in graphic design and marketing so I know a thing or 2 about niche marketing, target audience, etc. It was one of the first things they taught us about in college.
When you’re the business owner, though, it’s a lot harder than you think. A lot of times you want to be the right fit for everyone, but as we’ve talked about before that’s just not possible. As a business, I need to think about my target market and get really specific.
- Who are they?
- How old are they?
- Where do they live?
- Where do they shop?
- What is their typical day like?
It’s really hard to answer those questions, but it’s worth it so you can better serve your audience. For me, my target audience are people just like me! A driven, “trying to make a difference in this world” entrepreneur. 🙂
- We’re ambitious and passionate
- We need to multitask and have a drive to expand our knowledge about all things business
- We have ideas constantly running through our head
- We need the ability to run their business on the go
- We live in or near a big city
- We like good quality products at a competitive price. We know where we want to invest and where to save.
- Our day never ends. As much as we want it to, our mind never turns off.
- We’re millennials that love to use a combination of technology and analog tools to achieve our goals
- We want to make an impact in this world
- We’re not afraid of a challenge
- We shop online and in stores
I know that honing in on my ideal customer will not only help me with my brand but also my creative process and business choices. If I have a clearer picture of them in my mind I can create with more intention and purpose. The more I think about it too, this applies to more businesses than just CO Creative Cartel.
So who is your target market? My challenge to you is to really think (in detail) who your ideal customer is. Ask yourself all those questions so you know who there are, what they like, where to find them, and how you relate to them.
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