Hello February! The last week and few days of January was full of jet lag and playing catch up so I’m really excited to start the new month of right. Still working through the jet lag but hey, at least I’m trying right?! 😛 I have 3 main goals this month.
First, to get back on my normal routine. Like I said, our trip completely messed up our sleeping schedule which got our productivity way down to just the bare minimum to get us by. I want to get back to waking up no later than 8 am, having breakfast, getting ready, working, exercising, having dinner, and repeat. Be in bed by 11 pm, sleep by midnight. Boom.
Secondly, I need to get on that diet life. We ate so much in the Philippines. Like anything and everything lol! So I did a smoothie diet for 3 days when we got back and now am on my low carb/keto diet. To be completely transparent here, though, I haven’t even stuck to it for the last week and a half I’ve been home. That’s why this month’s main focus is to buckle down and get serious about it.
Last but not least, my third goal for February is to update my household and spending budget. Ever since Charlie and I went full time ownership (meaning neither of us are employed by someone else) we’ve had to make some major adjustments to our lifestyle. One of those things is our spending habits. I created a list of everything we spend on – groceries, mortgage payments, utilities, cell phone, credit card payments, etc. so I can make rough estimate of how much we need every month. That way I can set our pay coming from the businesses at that amount. What I really want to do for this month is to start my long term goal of having a larger savings. I decided to give myself and Charlie an allowance of $40 each a week for spending money (clothes, shoes, eating out, etc.). Once that $40 is spent, it’s spent until next week’s $40. If we want to purchase something more than $40 we can save until we have the extra money to do so. 🙂
When I did an analysis of our spending last year most of it was from eating at restaurants. I really want to make this a habit so that we don’t over spend. Wish us luck lol!
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