Happy New Year!

Happy New Year 2017, Hand Lettered on an iPad Pro

Hello from the Philippines! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday and a happy new year. Charlie and I spent our New Year at the airport/in a plane and we kind of skipped New Year’s Day all together involuntarily because of the time change.
We rang in midnight at the airport and started boarding less than 30 minutes after midnight. I have to admit, this was probably the most lonely New Year’s Eve we’ve had. For the past 5 or so years we don’t even really do anything for New Year’s Eve except stay home and watch the countdown together or with a few friends. I guess with the hectic day we had getting ready for the trip and being at the airport it just didn’t feel like a holiday. It felt like any other day. When we arrived in the Philippines almost 18 hours later it was January 2nd. 

2017 is an especially unique year for me in so many ways. It’s hard for me to explain without going too much into it. Maybe I’ll save that for another post, who knows. But let’s just say that I’m making a choice. I actually made the choice the week before Christmas because I was looking back at my year and just didn’t like what I saw. Don’t get me wrong, 2016 was filled with blessings too (continuing growth with Ninong’s and CO Creative Cartel, the official launch of my Real Estate business, hiring an awesome assistant, etc.) but I just felt a little lost and complacent. I made the choice that would end this year. 

As you guys know, I have a word that sums up every year. I’ve been thinking about my word for 2017 for months now. I’ll be sharing it this week with a more in depth reflection but let’s just say it has to do with me choosing to move past 2016. The first steps to moving past 2016 is actually being here in the Philippines. But more on that in a couple days. 🙂

In the mean time, happy new year everyone! I’m a big advocate for self improvement, self reflection, and contentment. Whether or not you choose to do that in the new year, in the middle of the year, or at the end of the year doesn’t matter. What matters is that you strive to improve and be a better version of yourself. So cheers to 2017! Let’s strive to make this one better than the last!

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