Kissa’s T.V. Guide No. 4 – Season Finale’s Week

I’m a bit sad this week friends. It’s season finale time which means no real TV for about 150 days! :'( OMG, I’m devastated people.

Let’s talk briefly about this past season. I might go more in depth on some of these shows cuz they’re just plain awesome. But for those of you that ask me what shows I watch here you go (in order of the most recent finale’s I’ve seen/remember them):

  1. Arrow (CW) – This needs a post all on its own. But man that season finale. I expected some things, and some things were a surprise. That’s all I’ll say.
  2. The Flash (CW) – Good finale. GREAT season!
  3. Undateable (NBC) – My favorite sitcom on TV right now! Hilarious, and that live show? Genius! Couldn’t stop laughing.
  4. Jane the Virgin (CW) – OMG, this show. I don’t even know how I decided to watch it but it captivated me from day 1! That season finale though..yikes. :X I wonder what’s going to happen next.
  5. Once Upon a Time (ABC) – One of our friends got me into this show when it was midway through its first season. To be honest I watched off and on because it got boring, then it got good, then it got really good. But wow, this season! I don’t think I’ve been hooked to the show like this since the first season. (which I watched in 1 day lol!)
  6. Weird Loners (FOX) – This show is pretty good! I’m curious to see where it goes. No real attachments for me yet, it’s just something to watch when I don’t have anything else.
  7. New Girl (FOX) – Loved the season finale! The season itself was a bit blah compared to past seasons, but the finale kinda makes up for it. KINDA 🙂
  8. Last Man on Earth (FOX) – I was surprised about this show. I wasn’t sure if I’d like it but I kinda do! Kinda like Weird Loners, I’m curious to see where this goes.
  9. Fresh of the Boat (ABC) – I’m still not sure how I feel about it. I don’t hate it, but I don’t love it.
  10. The Goldbergs (ABC) – I find the nostalgia of it all so funny. The 90’s fashion, pop culture, the hair. LOL!

As far as the ones that aren’t quite done yet:

  1. Brooklyn Nine Nine (FOX) – Love this show! 2nd place right below Undateable. Hilarious from day 1. Watch it, all I gotta say. 🙂
  2. The Voice (NBC) – I tell myself that I’d stop watching, but I can’t lol! I don’t know who I’m even rooting for this season.
  3. Dancing with the Stars (ABC) – I started watching last season. The thing I love most is the dancing. There’s something that’s always intrigued me about ballroom and partner dancing. The chemistry that 2 people have to have, the connection. It’s necessary to succeed. I guess I just love watching people go on that journey.

And I want to give a quick shout out to the shows that have ended. R.I.P.

  1. Parks and Recreation (NBC) – If you read my previous TV guide post you know how devastated I was when this show ended. Definitely an epic show that can transcend generations and continue to make us laugh. Sad to see it go!
  2. Mindy Project (FOX) – I actually really liked this show. I’m sad that Fox won’t be renewing it for another season. I heard rumors that it might be picked up by another network. I hope it does!
  3. Red Band Society (FOX) – Sad to see this one go too. Definitely a tear jerker!
  4. Glee (FOX) – It was never the same once the original cast graduated. It reminded me of Saved by the Bell – The New Class when the new Glee kids came in. I kinda felt like I was watching SBTB: The New Class and the College Years in 1 episode. Blah. Nothing against them, but they were part of something a little too late. I stopped watching Glee for a while. I just had to watch the last season though. I had to see how they were going to wrap it all up. What do I think of it? I honestly don’t know. Considering everything that happened, I think they did the best they could since I’m sure they had to write an alternate ending.

Now that I have to wait until the fall, anyone have any good recommendations of shows to binge watch this summer? Note: I don’t have regular TV, we have Netflex and Hulu exclusively! 🙂

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