Product Development and the Road to Unique LA

Oh dear friends. These past few weeks have been so much fun for me!  Creating designs and products is something that I really enjoy. The hard part is narrowing my ideas down. My mind never stops and I always have more product ideas than what is feasible for us at the moment. In the past, I was always the type that had an idea and ran with it. It didn’t matter what the idea was, it didn’t matter if the idea or product didn’t match with anything else. I would create that product anyway. Our product line was such a mish-mash. But now, I realize that product development is key. Do all your products represent your brand the way you want them to? Mine didn’t.

I’m in the middle of solidifying our line for our first real release. And I’ve been torn about a few items that I used to carry and am hesitant to carry now. Invitations and custom design for example. These 2 services were a huge part of my business until recently – especially in the first few years of my business. But my business is changing, I’m changing, and what I enjoy to do isn’t what it used to be. I’ve been torn about these 2 services since I decided it was time for a change. But instead of stressing myself about it, I trust that the answer will come to me when the time is right. In the mean time, I’m creating and working on what I know represents us well. 🙂

What I’m really excited about right now are the products we’re going to showcase at our “soft launch” at Unique LA. We’ve taken down our products temporarily from our online store because we’ve been doing a lot of critical thinking and changing around here, but I’ve been showing sneak peeks on our Instagram on the things we’ve been working on like these stickers. Excuse my shameful manicure! 😛


And this photo here.



This was originally a pattern we created for our phone and tablets but are in the process of utilizing this gorgeousness for other products. So excited to be able to use this for cards and stuff!

Hope everyone has a great week!

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