Around Here Lately

Hello, Internet!

It’s been pretty quiet around here the past couple months. I’ve been really trying to focus on being present and not be on social media/the Internet as much. I’m trying to really engulf myself in my reality instead of my virtual reality now a days. 🙂

I know it’s been quiet, but a lot has actually been going on behind the scenes at CO these past couple months. Our business is transitioning and I’m very happy about the direction we’re taking. Because of this, I’ve taken down our products in our online store so that I can restructure and really solidify our product line.

While we’re hard at work on these products, we’re going to do a sneak peek of our product line (new and old) at Unique LA’s Summer Show! You can get your tickets online or in person at the show. Come visit me at the CO booth and Charlie at the Ninong’s booth while you’re there! Ninong’s is going to be showcasing our pastries for the first time at this show, so happy and excited about that!



I’m so excited about this year’s product line! Though our complete line won’t be ready by Unique LA, we’re working slowly but sure to ensure that our products represent us well while maintaining functionality and quality. We have some fun things in the works, I can’t wait to share!

In the mean time – stay classy, Internet! Til next time!

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