Wow, hello Monday! Last week went by like a big blur. It didn’t feel like a long weekend at all for me, as I worked every single day
of the week except for the 4th. But hey, I’m not complaining! We hit the ground running with Damage Control’s Fall Lookbook, one of our dearest friends celebrated their birthday, and my Godson celebrated his 1st birthday on Sunday to book end the weekend with a bang!
Our 4th of July was nice and laid back. Here are some shots I took while we attempted to look for parking…and FAILED! Lucky for us, we were able to snag parking behind Ray’s building. Redondo has a fireworks show that everyone was going to see. Not a spot in sight!
Hanging out by the beach at Ray Ray’s apartment. 🙂 Letting Mel blow out his trick candles.
I also got some shots of Ray Ray’s Case. I normally have a place at my house where I shoot the cases, but I thought it would be nice to have some nice outdoor natural light. Read more about his case here.
To finish off our weekend, we spent time with this little cutie! Happy 1st birthday little man, we love you!
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