I’ve always been a big dreamer. Sometimes, I dream so fast that reality can’t keep up. It’s funny really (maybe to no one else but me), but I can daydream myself to exhaustion. The truth is, my mind wanders. It wanders A.LOT. It’s hard for me to focus at times, okay, all the time. Because I have all these ideas running through my mind. They come and go so fast that I can’t even write them down before I forget them. So, my series of dreams and realities will be everything that I have the pleasure of remember to write down. So here we go, without further ado…
- To go to New York
- To protect my family from harm
- To find greatness in the simple things in life
- Do invitations full time
- Charlie and I planned to go to New York this year. I’ve never been to the Big Apple, and Charlie has never been further east than Las Vegas. For the past 2 years, I wanted to go and attend the National Stationery Show and experience it for the first time. It looks like we won’t be making our way east this year, but we will next year. I know we will.
- My family means so much to me. With everything that we’ve gone through the past few years, all I’ve wanted to do is help them and protect them. I’ve been praying for guidance on this and hopefully the answer will come to me soon.
- I know it’s my fault, I put too much on my plate again. I haven’t been able to focus on designing and consulting as much as I want to. Because of this things have been going incredibly slowly for me. BUT! I’m turning things around. It all starts with me.
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