I’m going to have to do a series of new year posts. There’s simply just too much to fit into one post!
2011 was what I dubbed the year of CHANGE. There was so much transformation going on in my life for the good and the bad. Regardless of the outcome, I am so grateful for all the moments in 2011 that are shaping 2012 to be dubbed the year of MOVEMENT (thanks to one of my best friends Michelle!).
My favorite moments of 2011 (in no particular order):
- Buying our first home. We deliberately decided to buy our home before we got married so that we had a place to go home to after our wedding. And yes, after almost a year and a half of house-hunting, we finally found our place. Moving is always a pain in the ass and home upkeep is definitely different from renting but it’s so rewarding and beneficial. To be able to come home and not have to worry about packing up our stuff was a nice feeling.
- Starting CO. Starting this business venture for the both of us signified a lot of different things. Simplifying (merging our businesses together), a new beginning, stepping forward, preparing for our future, and doing something we were passionate about. Everything we’ve learned in the past culminated into this business and we are so pumped for what’s in store for it. It feels like everything was purposefully laid out to create this business that is just right for us. We are beyond grateful to be able to pursue a career we really love.
- Our wedding. Forget 2011, October 8th was the best day of my LIFE. I married the most amazing man anyone could ever ask for. After over 7 years of dating, God finally united us as one. That day was absolutely wonderful, words can’t express how I felt that day. It was just beyond anything that I ever could have imagined. It truly surpassed any of the expectations that I could have had (and trust me, being in the wedding business gives you crazy expectations for your own!). Check out our same day edit by the talented Loyd Calomay Films. The days leading after it were/are even better. Being in a marriage is more rewarding than I ever thought it could be.
- Our honeymoon. 2 weeks in Hawaii, need I say more? 🙂
- Re-kindling my relationship with the Lord. I’ve always been religious (growing up in Catholic school). But as ashamed as I am to admit it, I drifted. I drifted FAR. Luckily in 2008, one of my aunts said something to me that knocked me off my feet. That day, I realized how far I’d drifted and began to cry – from shame, sadness, and anger. I told myself that I needed to get back down to the basics and needed to let the Lord back in my life. 3 years later I’m finally starting to feel my relationship with Him is getting closer. I know that it’s going to be a challenge but I’m continuing to work every day to learn more and to keep building the most important relationship I have.
So 2011, thank you for being so amazing. It’s difficult for me to let go, but 2012 is waiting!
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