The Productivity Challenge

I know, I know. I say it to myself all the time. “If I could just be more organized then my life would be so much easier.” Or, “I want to be more productive, let me download a bunch of apps on my phone to help me with that.” And then never open them up after a week. Or the classic, “If there were just more hours in the day.” GIRL. We all have the same 24 hours in a day. Just sayin’.

At one point, I was sailing! I was on my productivity A-game! I had a system that worked for me, that kept me productive. But then life got in the way, I lost my assistant, and there I was back at square one. I needed to create a brand new workflow and thought to myself, “It would be so much more fun to do this with others!”

So I’m asking you to join me, keep me accountable, and best of all – help you create the workflow that will help you become more productive! Because let’s face it, as entrepreneurs and busy people it’s so easy to get pulled a million different directions. If you have a process in place trust me, it’ll definitely help you achieve your goals, stay productive, and feel like you’re taking a step closer to accomplishing those goals day by day!

So if you’re interested, grab a pen and paper, your tablet, your laptop –  whatever you need and let’s get productive together! The challenge begins Monday, February 25! 

Let’s do this!