Asking the Tough Business Questions

Happy Friday my dear friends! Though Fridays are my hump day I always look forward to it. It’s the end of my hubby’s work week so I get to spend some QT with him, PLUS it’s bible study night! 🙂

On Wed. I wrote about the Playbook Webinar with Emily Ley and I’ve been thinking about it ever since. In a short couple of hours I’ve completely changed the way I look at my business. We walked away with some homework that forces us to really get to the core of our business and why we do what we do. It has completely flipped me upside down and fired me up in ways that I have never felt before. I’m so ready to get this ball rolling!

To be honest, I’m still working on Part 1 of the homework and I’m stuck. I’m so bad at making decisions. Emily has inspired me to really push myself and ask the tough questions that I don’t know the answers to. I’ve been challenged to really dig deep and it’s scary.

It’s funny, though. The difference between the me before and now is that if I was presented these questions in the past I would have forced myself to answer them quickly. I would think that the best thing to do is to go through Emily’s homework in 1 day and fix everything the next day. Talk about overload! Now, I’m a little more patient. Patience has given me a better all around vision of what I want, where I want to go, and what I should do to get there. It’s helped me to think rationally instead of irrationally and tackle these tough questions with excitement instead

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of fear.

As a fellow business owner, I challenge you to ask the tough questions and be patient with the answers. The tough questions will help you work toward your business goals as long as you give yourself time to think about the questions and answer them with full honesty and integrity. Let’s all enjoy this crazy journey of entrepreneurship together. 🙂

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